28 Mar 2020 by Executive Committee

Please read below regarding an update for season 2020.

Club registration fees πŸ”΅πŸ”΄
As previously advised, the 2020 season has been postponed until May 31. While we await further updates from the league in the coming weeks, as a Club we have made the decision to refund all Club registration fees paid for the 2020 season. Once we receive further updates from the NFNL confirming when the season will begin, we will advise the Club what the fees will be for the reduced season.
If you have paid your fees for season 2020, you will be sent an email shortly requesting information, including your name & contact details, your children’s name/s and your bank account details. If you have not received the email by Friday April 2nd, please contact Jo Sandy at or on 0424 220 132.

NFNL $25 Junior Levy πŸ”΄πŸ”΅
Everyone that has registered for the 2020 season will have paid the NFNL $25 Junior Levy. This is a levy that goes towards NFNL costs to coordinate the season and is solely managed by the NFNL. The NFNL will advise shortly regarding the levy.

Merchandise πŸ”΅πŸ”΄
We are currently experiencing some delays with Merchandise orders and will advise once the delivery has been confirmed.

Mouthguard Man πŸ”΄πŸ”΅
The mouthguards that have been ordered through the Mouthguard Man are due for delivery to the Club mid-April. We will advise once they have been delivered.